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19QPCRKit_Leadership Bundle #2

Available: In Stock      
Price: $499.00      

Promoting Civiity in the Workplace
Gaining Influence
Introduction to Corporate Real Estate Leadership

Product Description:
19QPCRKit_Leadership Bundle #2 Contents
Product DescriptionQuantityPrice
Gaining Influence (Virtual)

Credibility is about earning the trust and confidence of others. People with credibility are able to influence others, unify groups, and instill confidence – even in the midst of uncertainty. Those without credibility simply cannot. If you want others to recognize you as a person of character, a trusted advisor, and an admirable leader – credibility is your path to victory. This program prepares you to apply specific principles to immediately begin gaining and sustaining credibility.

1 $149.96
Introduction to Corporate Real Estate Leadership (Virtual)

Your career success is attributable to how well you master essential interpersonal, emotional, and social skills. Leading the Corporate Real Estate (CRE) function today is more about enabling work and promoting productivity than it is about managing "bricks and mortar" assets. It is more about influencing and collaborating and less about executing individual tasks. Organizations have become more collaborative and people-centric, and so must Corporate Real Estate. As a current or emerging CRE executive, it is imperative that you focus on interpersonal, emotional, and social skills such as communication, influence, conflict resolution, and performance coaching because these skills are essential.

1 $149.96
Promoting Civility in the Workplace (Virtual)

Eye rolling, sarcasm, gossip, exclusion, bullying, belittling, shaming, and other forms of incivility are like poison to an organization. Unaddressed, incivility undermines employee morale, engagement, productivity, teamwork, retention, health, and safety. It cannot be ignored. Through risk-assessments, structured discussions, group activities, case studies, and other real-world applications, this seminar will help you recognize early warning signs and learn what you can and must do to raise organizational awareness, resolve conflict, establish trust, and promote civility. Want to recognize, resolve, and recover from uncivil behavior where you work? Attend this seminar.

1 $149.96