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The Power of Mentoring: Building the Next Generation of Professionals

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 to Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Brookview Golden Valley, MN, United States

In an age where technology has rapidly shifted how we communicate and interact with one another, what are the social implications to this shift and how will this affect long-term growth and success of organizations? Many data points show an increase in productivity, efficiency, and profit since moving to a remote or hybrid work environment. These data points are quantitative and don’t necessarily look at the qualitative side of organizational growth. How are we preparing the next generation to be leaders in their field? Is physical space and in person collaboration a requirement for successful mentoring? How do we quantify what is gained and what is lost by remote work and when will we be able to see a quantifiable impact on this data point regarding mentoring the next generation of workers?

For example, these questions are particularly relevant for the corporate real estate industry. Brokerage firms are experiencing low employee retention rates, A&D firms see reduced time in the field resulting in possible errors and omissions while the construction industry is experiencing labor shortages and lower interest in apprenticeship growth. All of these factors can, to some degree, be related back to the value of successful mentorship.

The course content will help attendees better understand how our CRE industries are connected and impact one another. Attendees will leave with strategies to enhance these connections and cross-discipline mentoring opportunities.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024
11:30 a.m. - Registration/Networking/Lunch
11:45 a.m. - Chapter Announcements
12:00 p.m. - Presentation

Brookview- Bassett Creek Room
316 Brookview Parkway S
Golden Valley, MN 55426

$45 - Members
$90 - Non-Members


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