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June Chapter Meeting: Impact of AI on the Future of Corporate Real Estate

Thursday, June 20, 2024 to Thursday, June 20, 2024
Waymo Mountain View, CA, United States

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly occupying the discourse and curiosity in corporate real estate and the workplace. Yet AI still appears to be an amorphous concept to many, especially in these areas.


The upcoming chapter meeting in June at Waymo holds significant importance as it aims to illuminate the meaning of AI and its practical applications. This discussion is particularly relevant for our target stakeholders, including end-users and occupiers, design and architecture, facility management and operations, occupancy utilization, and mobility. Your presence and insights will be highly valued.



Venue: Waymo: 690 E. Middlefield Rd Mountain View, CA

Schedule: Registration:: 3:30p // Program: 4:00p // Reception: 5:00p

Cost: Member: $35.00 // Non-Member End user: $60.00 // Non-Member Service Provider: $85.00

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