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CoreNet Global Events > Event Registration

Corporate Real Estate Finance
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 to Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Venue:   Virtual Asia, Singapore 

This seminar is essential to mastery of corporate real estate (CRE) and developing the competencies required to be effective in the CRE role. Successful CRE professionals must have a thorough understanding of the core business strategy of the enterprise and strive to support that strategy in a way that adds value to the bottom line. In this seminar, learn best practices to strategically manage the real estate portfolio to serve the corporation’s business model, work, and culture. Leave this seminar with the skills necessary to create action plans and the knowledge needed to foster strategic relationships and management practices. MCR requirement. Click here to view in your time zone.

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Speaker Details
First Name Last NameTitleType
Mitchell Rusbarsky Managing Director, Financial Advisory Lead Lead Faculty
Neil Uebelein Chief Executive Officer Co-Faculty
Vipul Jain Assistant Vice President, Leasing Co-Faculty
Travel Discounts
From: 01/12/2023 To: 01/01/1900